My cousin Rae Hippolyte is a recent graduate photographer from LCF and she told me about it. At first I wasn’t going to bother as the modeling world had yet to show me any love but 5mins before the deadline I changed my mind
What was it like to be amongst the finalists?
It was crazy – I never realized how big the competition was until they were flying the other guys and two cool workers from FORD over from the US. They gave me a brief history on Nick Knight (yes I was naive) and also showed me what previous winners had gone on to do – so it was amazing to be apart of that.

Quite a lot stateside. My name keeps appearing in blogs that I read and they’ll be random scans of me and the other guys: so it’s been pretty cool. A few nice girls have added me on Facebook too – which one will always encourage lol!
If you had to choose between music & modeling what would you choose?
Music would win hands down, everytime. Singing is what I’ve needed to do since I was a kid and that will never change. I am very excited by the modeling industry and the opportunities it can present but it’s quite two-dimensional and lacks a connection that transcends further than the page. I believe it can’t touch you, change you like music can.

You won’t see me gracing the screen anytime soon: I know where my strengths lie and running up and down a film set pretending to be Will Smith isn’t happening anytime soon. I’m a poet so I’m doing that on the side. I’m in talks with a publisher at the moment so hopefully something will come of that.
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