Friday, December 2, 2011

Fur Fur Fureezing

Hello my loves! Wow it feels like AGES since I last posted (probably because it is but shhh)
I hope you're all well and that I haven't missed out on too much - I'll be rushing round like a mad thing later trying to have a huge catch up. Before I get on with the actual posting I just want to say a massive thankyou to everyone who's been so lovely over the last week or so - meens the WORLD (and quite possibly the stars and the moon too!)

Now it seems to me, that in the last week or so the weather has decided that alll of a sudden it wants to stop playing nice and hit us with what can only be described as an icy shock.

Forget blazers, parkas, leather jackets, what's needed at this moment of time is a quick injection of real winter warmth - and pronto!

These babies below definitely have that all wrapped up:

All pieces are of course faux fur, perfect for chilly temperatures and more than budget friendly. 
Winner winner chicken dinner. 
(Please feel free to ignore me - my current hunger has obviously reduced my brain to cheesy slogan mush)

Feels so good to be back

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