Hello lovelies :) Hows your weekend going?
Mine has been absolutely amazing so far, yesterday I saw my gorgeous boyfriend in the day watched the England game and just relaxed which was beautiful. Then, speaking of beautiful on the evening I went to the LG arena to see the one and only...

And my GOD was he AMAZING. I sung so much I lost my voice and I cried my eyes out for about 10 minutes when he sung Hero - That song always gets me ha-ha. So all in all a lovely weekend!
Back to Fashion news - the focus of todays post is something I've neglected for a while - Accessories. I love looking for gorgeous additions to add to an outfit and totally transform it so I can't beleive it's been so long since I've last done an accessories post!
Todays selection:
This dreamy silky scarf - Imagining it over a gorgeous plain dress or simple vest with jeans.
Topshop £24.00
Topshop £24.00
These super glamourous but also comfy looking platforms
This super classy bag in the most gorgeous pinky shade
£36.00 TopShop
£36.00 TopShop
What kind of accessories do you like adding to outfits? Scarves? Jewellery? Or do you prefer to keep it minimal?
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