Thursday, August 26, 2010

26.08.2010- My Safe Place

Safe  is a soon to be published coffee table book which has been created by Emma Thompson in collaboration with photographer Nick Haddow. The book showcases Haddow's beautiful portraits of strong, inspirational women from around the world, photographed in the places that they feel safest and has been developed in order to support The Helen Bamber Foundation. The foundation, established in 1995, works with survivors of human rights violations, and, in their own words, responds with 'compassion and creativity to the legacy of cruelty. We help to mend what was broken in a safe and supportive environment, where restorative relationships enable survivors to feel whole again.'

Proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards helping survivors of genocide, trafficking, torture and rape find their own safe places and rediscover both their strength and their voices. In conjunction with the publication of the book, which is also being supported by Chanel, Lady Tina Green and Working Title Films, a travelling exhibition will be launched in late 2010, although details are yet to be confirmed.

Emma Thompson is encouraging women all over the world to get involved with the Safe project by asking them to share their own safe places, via (although sadly the website is currently down, fingers cross it will be working again soon.)

Here are some of Nick Haddow's stunning images shot for the Safe project:

Diane Kruger.

Keira Knightley.

Kate Winslet.
Natasha Richardson, such a touching portrait.
Rosamund Pike.
Vanessa Paradis.
The list of contributors to the book is enormous; Haddow has photographed everyone from Anne Hathaway to Ziyi Zhang in their chosen safe surroundings, and I'm sure that we'll be hearing a lot more about the project over the coming months, in the lead up to the release of the book in Spring 2011. It's such a fantastic initiative to raise both money and awareness for a cause which is so deserving and worthwhile. Keep your eyes peeled on (which will hopefully be back to working order soon) to find out more about the project. 

My safe place would probably have to be on the beach in Spain where I spent my holiday this year. I've been going there since I was less than a year old, and it will always have a special place in my heart as it holds so many fond memories, and I'm never happier than when I'm running around like a big kid in the surf.

Where is your safe place?

(Image credit: Google Images, Nick Haddow and Sarah Farrell, please do not reproduce without permission.)

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