The amazing W Hotel!

The beautifully plush surroundings of the E WOW suite, where the event was held (there was even a revolving sofa!)

Sarah and I chose to create an outfit together (two heads are better than one after all!) We had the pick of some great items, including pieces from big brands such as Office, Biba and South which are available through the eBay Outlet (at bargain prices!) as well unique vintage accessories to put an individual spin on our look.

Our finished outfit! We tried to capture something which was both rock and roll and romantic. We took a silk blouse from Biba, teaming it with a leather jacket and pair of skinny jeans as the basis of our look. We also added an amazing hat and killer pair of boots to create an outfit which neither of us would have the bravery to wear in reality- we said it was a look perfect for our edgy alter-egos!

After putting the finishing touches to our outfit, we snapped a picture and displayed it on the massive pin board in the suite. It was great to see the looks which everyone else had put together, and massive congratulations to Alexxsia from My Labyrinth who won the camera after Andrea judged the finished looks.
Overall, it was a really lovely evening, and great to find out more about the range of brands available to buy through the eBay Outlet (I'm never buying a full-price pair of shoes from Office again!) And, although Sarah and I were baffled by how the lift worked on the way home, the W really was a spectacular backdrop for the event. Thanks so much to eBay and Shine for the invite!
Have you ever bought anything from the eBay Fashion Outlet?
(Image credit: Sarah Farrell, please do not reproduce without permission.)
Have you ever bought anything from the eBay Fashion Outlet?
(Image credit: Sarah Farrell, please do not reproduce without permission.)
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