Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sometimes you just can't resist...

Sometimes in life, you stumble across something that you know you should walk on past. Something that you know you should forget about. Something that despite these thoughts of rationality you just cannot resist.

I had one of these moments the other day. Innocently browsing the internet I stumbled across a dress. It seems wrong to call it just 'a dress' now because... well it quickly became 'the dress' the dress that I couldn't walk on from. The dress that I couldn'y forget. The dress that I absolutely, fundamentally, right right now needed to have.

I cannot begin to verbalise to you why this dress had such an impact on me. Truth be told I don't really think I know myself. I do know that it appeals to every tiny fragment of my being though - appeals to the long ago fairytale princess lover, the summery bohemian, the free spirit, the whimsical daydreamer and even subtly somwhere the rock n roll chick.

The dress was everything. I had to have it.
And I did.
In 14 days the dress will be mine.
 And I cannot wait.

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